
Why you should pre-wire your home with CAT6 & COAX

by | Mar 12, 2023 | Builder Series, Home Automation, Low Voltage Wiring, Smart Home Control, Smart Home Products, Smart Lighting

Why you should pre-wire your home with CAT6 & COAX

When it comes to building or remodeling a home, there are many decisions to be made. One of the most important decisions is the prewiring of the home. Prewiring refers to the installation of wiring and cables before the walls are finished, and it can save homeowners time and money in the long run. In this article, we will explore the top four reasons why prewiring a home with CAT6 and coax cables is essential.

Home under construction

Future-Proofing Your Home

Technology is continually evolving, and homes must adapt to the changing needs of homeowners. Prewiring a home with CAT6 and coax cables future-proofs the home for technology that has yet to be developed. CAT6 cables provide faster and more reliable internet speeds, while coax cables allow for the distribution of cable or satellite TV signals throughout the home. By prewiring a home with these cables, homeowners can ensure that their home is ready for the latest technologies as they become available.

Technology Options

Additionally, prewiring a home with CAT6 and coax cables allows homeowners to avoid the need to retrofit their home with cables after it has been completed. Retrofitting can be costly and can cause damage to the walls of the home. By prewiring the home, homeowners can avoid the added expense and hassle of retrofitting their home.

Increased Home Value

Prewiring a home with CAT6 and coax cables can increase the home’s value. Many homebuyers are looking for homes that are move-in ready, and prewiring a home can make it more attractive to potential buyers. Homebuyers are also willing to pay a premium for a home that is prewired for technology, as it saves them time and money in the long run.

Financial Values going up

According to a survey conducted by the Consumer Electronics Association, 62% of homebuyers are willing to pay more for a home that is prewired for technology. Additionally, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) reports that homes with structured wiring systems, such as CAT6 and coax cables, are more likely to increase in value over time.


Prewiring a home with CAT6 and coax cables provides homeowners with convenience. By prewiring the home, homeowners can avoid the need to run cables throughout the home after it has been completed. This can save homeowners time and hassle, as they do not need to disrupt their daily lives to install cables.


Additionally, prewiring a home with CAT6 and coax cables allows homeowners to customize their home to meet their needs. They can choose where the cables are installed and how they are connected, providing them with greater flexibility in their home entertainment and internet needs.

Increased Home Security

Prewiring a home with CAT6 and coax cables can increase home security. Many security systems require CAT6 cables for internet connectivity and allow for the installation of security cameras throughout the home. By prewiring a home with these cables, homeowners can ensure that their home security system is reliable and up-to-date.

Home Security Keypad


Prewiring a home with CAT6 and coax cables is a wise investment for homeowners. It future-proofs the home for the latest technologies, increases home value, provides convenience, enhances home security, and increases energy efficiency. By prewiring their home, homeowners can save time and money in the long run and ensure that their home is equipped with the latest technology.

Homeowners should consult with a professional low-voltage wiring company, such as Treasure Valley Solutions, to ensure that their home is prewired correctly and efficiently. A professional company will help homeowners choose the right cables for their homes and ensure that they are installed properly.

In summary, prewiring a home with CAT6 and coax cables is a smart investment for homeowners who want to increase their home’s value, improve their home entertainment and internet needs and increase home security.

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