
Install a Video Doorbell Compatible doorbell

by | Apr 9, 2022 | Builder Series, Ring, Security, Security System, Smart Doorbel

Modern day Video Doorbells have some additional requirements above and beyond what a regular doorbell has. Since these doorbells are extremely popular right now, it’s very important that your home is equipped with the right components to make them work to avoid having a very frustrated homeowner. Having incompatible parts in your home will add additional costs to install the doorbell that can vary from $49-$99 in addition to the cost of the Video Doorbell. This article describes how to install a video doorbell compatible doorbell chime and transformer.

Compatible Door Chimes

First of all, most Video Doorbells are only compatible with standard analog doorbell chimes These are your standard variety “ding-dong” doorbell chimes.

Standard Ding-Dong Doorbell Chime

Standard Ding-Dong Doorbell Chime

Incompatible Door Chimes

There are lot of Digital doorbell chimes on the market that are not compatible with most Video Doorbells. These Digital doorbell chimes typically play some kind of melody/music/etc. and also typically have the doorbell transformer built-in to the doorbell chime.

Incompatible Digital Doorbell Chime

Incompatible Digital Doorbell Chime

Compatible Doorbell Transformer

The other part that’s important to be compatible with Video Doorbells is the transformer. Most analog doorbell chimes have a separate transformer that’s typically mounted in the garage. To ensure the doorbell transformer is compatible, the best option is to install a 16V/30VA transformer.

Compatible Doorbell Transformer

Compatible Doorbell Transformer


In summary, to ensure your homeowners can easily install a Video Doorbell, make sure to install a Video Doorbell Compatible doorbell Chime and Doorbell Transformer (16V/30VA) is installed.

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